OJS -- mye brukt i Norge?

Thomas Gramstad thomas at kunnskapsallmenning.no
Mon Nov 23 17:18:20 CET 2020


Jeg skulle gjerne vite hvor mye Open Journal Systems (OJS) er i 
bruk i Norge?
(Ref. https://pkp.sfu.ca/ojs/ ).

Finnes det en liste eller arkiv for norske tidsskrift som bruker 


Thomas Gramstad
thomas at kunnskapsallmenning.no
"People of the future will know only that which we preserve. 
[I]t should be noted that allowing the records of the past to
disappear is a kind of censorship.  Libraries are the collective
archive of human achievement and the knowledge of the ages."
               -- Walt Crawford & Michael Gorman:
         Future Libraries: Dreams, Madness & Reality, p. 11

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