Call for papers to Nordic Journal of Library and Information Studies vol. 4, no 2, Thematic issue: Research on and in academic libraries.

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Mon Mar 11 11:33:35 CET 2024


Sammen med Helena Francke fra Gøteborgs Universitetsbibliotek og Høgskolen i Borås og Sara Kjellberg fra Malmös
Universitetsbibliotek er jeg gjesteredaktør i et kommende nummer av Nordic Journal of Library and Information Studies (NJLIS). Der vi ønsker artikler om forsking i og på UH-bibliotek. Jeg håper de av dere som går med et manus i skuffen eller I tankene vil benytte anledningen til å bidra. Utdrag fra invitasjonen til bidrag:

The integral role of libraries within higher education is as important as ever, with the aim to contribute to quality in research and education. Yet academic libraries have so far been relatively underexplored in contemporary research within library and information studies in the Nordic countries.  

This call for papers aims to create a special issue that delves into the multifaceted functions and operations of academic libraries. We invite contributions that examine the academic library and its relevance in today's information-rich society as well as from historical perspectives. The call also encourages contributions that discuss and provide insights into how academic libraries contribute to democratic functions related to access to knowledge and research, to fostering trust and facilitating connections between the public and researchers. We would be happy to see papers that bridge the gap between theory and practice and that offer fresh perspectives on how academic libraries navigate and adapt to the shifts in the sector and the world surrounding it.  

In this issue, we welcome two types of submissions: original research papers and practice papers. Practice papers are introduced as a new paper category in this special issue. They should strive to provide new insights, case studies, or best practice with a focus on the work in academic libraries. Whereas the original research papers will undergo double-blind peer review, the practice papers will be reviewed by the guest editors, with potential input from external expertise. In addition to this, book reviews will be commissioned. 

If you are uncertain about whether the topic you have in mind suits this call, do not hesitate to reach out to the guest editors.  

The Nordic Journal of Library and Information Studies, NJLIS, is a scholarly, peer reviewed open access journal, covering scientific issues and current trends in Library and Information Studies. The Nordic Journal of Library and Information Studies publishes Nordic and international peer reviewed LIS articles and reviews of significant LIS literature. The editorial committee consists of representatives from LIS departments in Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden. The role of editor rotates annually between the members of the editorial committee. The journal is published by the University of Copenhagen’s online platform 
This is a call for papers for a special issue due to be published in December 2024. Deadline for full papers: September 1, 2024. 

Les mer på:
NJLIS er diamant åpen tilgang og tar imot bidrag på nordiske språk i tillegg til engelsk.
Det er bare å ta kontakt om du har spørsmål.
Vennlig hilsen,
Live Håndlykken Kvale
Førstebibliotekar, Åpen forskning
Universitetet i Oslo
Samlinger og digitale tjenester

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